martes, 14 de mayo de 2013

Are You Dominant or Recessive?

Baldness (in males)
Body Hair

Bent Pinkie

Blood pressure Rate

Cleft in Chin
Crossing of Thumbs



Eyelash Length




Hitchhicker’s thumbs

Lips width
Mid-digital Hair

Mongolian Eye Fold

Nose shape
Nose width
Number of Fingers

Toe Length
Tone Hearing

Tongue rolling


lunes, 13 de mayo de 2013

Strange Diseases

Believe it or not, it is possible to die from a broken heart. The condition, known as Takotsubo cardiomyopathy, stress cardiomyopathy or simply broken heart syndrome, presents itself when there is a sudden temporary weakening of the heart muscle called myocardium. This condition is usually presented under extreme stress situations and it's commonly associated with anxiety feelings, break-ups or the death of a loved one, hence the name. Although the acute symptoms (congestive heart failure and left ventricular dysfunction) are dangerous if  not treated, patients usually have a succesful recovery after medicinal treatment.

Afraid that you are going bald? Well some people wish they were JUST going bald naturally. There is a mental condition called trichotillomania, in which the patient has a compulsive urge to pull his or her hair off and in some cases eat it. Although the most common place they like to pull is the scalp, there have been cases of hair ripping in the chest, eyebrows, eyelashes, legs, armpits, arms, pubis and beard. The condition is mainly caused by stress or depression or by an obsessive compulsive disorder and can lead to noticeable hair loss and social or functional impairment. Treatment consists mainly in a psycosotial  approach combined with antidepressants or anxiolytics. 

Finally I'd like to talk about a special mental condition called Capgras Delusion. A person with this disease is unable to recognize a friend, spouse or family member because they are absolutely convinced that they have been replaced with an identical substitute. Although this condition is usually present in paranoid schizophrenics, it can also be found in patients with dementia, brain injuries, neurodegenerative diseases, diabetes, hypothyroidism or migraines. Although loads of theories about the causes of this sickness have been proposed (from Freud's psycosexual approach to severe pathological conditions) the main treatment for Capgras delusions is a permanent interaction with the subject to create therapeutically empathy without validating the delusional system or confronting it directly. 

lunes, 6 de mayo de 2013

Alice in Wonderland Syndrome

Also known as lilliputian hallucinations, this disease presents a patient with a disorienting neurological condition that affects their perception. The patient perceives human forms, human body parts, animals and inanimate objects to be considerably smaller or bigger than they are (micropsia or macropsia). It can be caused by a change in the electrical activity in the brain, compromising the normal blood flow to the parts that process visual perception and texture. It is present mainly in children but it can go up to the mid-20s or 30s.

The malfunction in patients with AIWS occurs in the brain and not in the eyes; they should present physically normal eyes. The main symptom they should present are migraines. The patient also tends to have a distortion on his own body image sensing that parts of his or her body are confusingly changing size and shape. Other possible causes of this disease are the use of hallucinating drugs or infectious mononucleosis. The disease may also present lilliputian hallucinations that consist of size and shape distorted hallucinations. They also may present distortion in depth and perspective, feeling objects are closer or more distant than they really are. Linked to all these symptoms, the patient may also suffer form a lose of the sense of time. Finally, other less common symptoms are loss of limb control and dis-coordination  memory loss, lingering touch and sound sensations and emotional experiences.

The treatment for Alice in Wonderland Syndrome is basically attacking the migraines with anticonvulsants, antidepressants, beta and calcium channel blockers and dieting. It, as any other migraine  must wear itself out, there is no direct cure for it; the treatment is purely symptomatic. It is not contagious
